Are you ready to get interviewed on podcasts?

Unlock the Secret to Podcast Guest Success

This quick 5-minute assessment reveals your strengths and growth opportunities across 5 Key Interview Success Factors, empowering you to enhance your influence, impact, and income from podcast interviews, taking your visibility and success to the next level.



Benchmark your growth potential across the 5 Success Factors


Prioritize your efforts to grow your profits quickly


Take action on the steps that drive sustainable growth


My mission to Make Podcasting Profitable – to help podcast hosts and guests grow their influence, income and impact so that they can create positive change across the world.

Tony Guarnaccia, a widely recognized authority on business growth, marketing and AdTech. Tony has grown over 10,000 small businesses and a dozen Fortune 500 companies, including Ford, General Motors, AutoNation and ADP. He has managed over $400 million in advertising spend and in 2009 earned the prestigious title of Google Partner of the Year.

In just 5 Minutes You'll...

Get Your Guest Interview Score

Not generating income from interviews? This assessment evaluates your potential across the 5 Interview Success Factors that determine your influence, impact and income from interviews.

Get Focused On What Drives Results

Not sure where to start?  Quickly pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses across each Interview Success Factor, so you can focus on what matters most to achieve RESULTS.

Get Your Priorities at-a-Glance

Not seeing results? Your “Priority Radar” highlights the areas with the highest potential for growth and offers actionable steps to improve them.

This Assessment is Perfect For...

Aspiring Speakers and Visibility Seekers

Ready to elevate your visibility, credibility, and sales?

Identify strengths and weaknesses in your guest appearance strategy. Enhance your presence, grow your authority and make a lasting impact across all platforms.

Industry Experts, Authors, and Business Leaders

Are you the best-kept secret in your industry?

 Develop your interview strategy, highlight your strengths, overcome weaknesses, and convert your expertise into sales… even if nobody knows who you are.

Marketing Agencies and PR Professionals

Want to boost your clients' visibility and results?

Evaluate and improve your client’s podcast guest strategies, identify missed opportunities, and deliver measurable growth and success.

The secret to Growing Your Influence, Impact and Income

This 5 minute assessment reveals your strengths and identifies opportunities across the 5 Interview Success Factors

Registration Opens August 1

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