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Reach a targeted audience made up of your ideal prospects
Quickly generate sales from podcast interviews
Spread your message wider and make a bigger impact
Podcast listenership is exploding! AND the podcast boom is still just getting started so there is A LOT of opportunity to tap into that growth by getting booked on podcasts…
That’s because it’s something they can do when they’re engaged in other activities, wherever they are, and on demand. For example, people listen to podcasts in their car, working out, waiting in line, going for a walk, or anywhere that they can’t read or watch. And some people just prefer audio to text or visuals.
However, many business owners avoid creating podcast content, either because they don’t like it themselves or it’s just one more thing to do on their list.
Being interviewed as a guest on a podcast is an ideal solution AND it brings a whole slew of other benefits.
Just like with guest blogging, guest podcasting can:
You can achieve all that through being a podcast guest, with barely any effort or cost!
That’s because it doesn’t take much preparation to be interviewed off-camera, and you need very little technology of your own.
But guest podcasting only works if you get booked on the right podcasts…
Tony Guarnaccia is a widely recognized authority on business growth, marketing and AdTech. Tony has grown over 10,000 small businesses and a dozen Fortune 500 companies, including Ford, General Motors, AutoNation and ADP. He has managed over $400 million in advertising spend and in 2009 earned the prestigious title of Google Partner of the Year.
The Get Interviewed System gives podcast hosts an idea of who you are and why they need to have you on their show. It is the first step to becoming a guest on more podcasts.